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Propsero AG, Swiss

Prospero AG is a swiss manufacturer of software-products for Data Analysis based on an innovative Data Mining method.

In 2009 BITPRIME and Prospero has started an cooperation in customer consulting.

Georg Teichert-Matuschek

Dipl.-Ing., Senior Software Architect and Consultant. In the last years Georg was managing the development of a cross media publishing and product data management solution.

Marian Schuba

Senior Software Architect with outstanding experience in cross media publishing and enterprise web solutions..


Breaking News:

10.05.10 09:21

Project to Reduce Energy Consumption was Successful

Prospero solution identifies the high energy consumer in several tenthoundands devices

10.05.10 09:54

New Versions of Implex for Innov8

the Software System Implex KAM, a PC-based case study of Key Account Management, was delivered to the client Innov8.

03.09.09 12:42

New Modul for Classified Advertisements at

BITPRIME developed a new user interface for the placement of classified advertisements at

10.05.10 09:41

SSO Solution for is on Production

In co-operation with BIT.PRIME a SSO solution (Single Sign ON) for has been implemented and is now on production.

11.05.10 09:00

Editorial System of is online

The Editorial System is an in-house development of AG with the collaboration of BITPRIME.

11.05.10 09:28

BITPRIME cooperates with Prospero AG

BITPRIME concludes a co-operation agreement with the swiss Prospero AG.

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